St. Catherine’s Hospital & Maternity Ward now has access to clean water.
Water, sanitation, and hygiene services in healthcare facilities are essential for quality care, and to help prevent illness and control the spread of infections. Over 45% of Healthcare Facilities (HCFs) in least developed countries do not have basic water services.
As part of the global water, sanitation, and hygiene in healthcare facilities (WASH in HCF) initiative, WEFTA has collaborated with the Daughters of Charity – International Project Services (DoCIPS), to improve WASH resources in multiple healthcare facilities run by the Sisters of Daughters of Charity (DoC).
St. Catherine’s Hospital & Maternity Ward is located in Iwaro Oka, Ondo State, Nigeria, and annually serves over 9,000 people.
Through collaborative efforts with the Sisters and our in country partner, local groundwater hydrologist Dom Nwachukwu, a borehole was recently drilled, successfully producing water. In addition, the pump was installed, testing and water analysis was performed, and the wellhead has been secured.