The Ngöbe-Buglé people are Panama’s largest indigenous group and poverty levels are above 70% in the indigenous areas of Panama known as comarcas. Many of these communities are scattered along the forested boundaries in undeveloped tracts of land where they live on subsistence agriculture.
The Comarca Ngöbe-Buglé of Bajo Algodón is one of many communities that Peace Corps volunteers were actively assisting with water system improvement projects and water committee training. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic in 2020, volunteers were forced to evacuate, leaving these communities with incomplete system improvement projects and continued water challenges.
Today, as the world has become a bit less paralyzed, WEFTA volunteers Hanna & Jacob are on the ground in Panama working with the community of Bajo Algodón to help with the completion of their water tank and distribution system project. Upon completion, this project will provide safe and reliable water to over 35 families, positively impacting over 170 lives!
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