The Wallace Genetic Foundation has been a significant partner and supporter of WEFTA, helping to fund some of the administrative and operational costs of the organization.
Wheaton Franciscan Sisters Ministry Fund provides financial support to the charitable works of other organizations whose mission is rooted in meeting the needs of the times. WEFTA is proud to partner with the Sisters and work together to fortify sustainability and improve access to safe water and proper sanitation for communities in need in Bolivia and Tanzania.
The Spirit of Christ Catholic Church of Denver, CO has teamed with WEFTA on community development projects in El Alto, Bolivia and is committed to an ongoing relationship with WEFTA in support of the poor of the altiplano region and their water and sanitation needs.
WEFTA and 5450 WASH have partnered to improve monitoring and evaluation of WASH projects. 5450 WASH is a Rotary Action Group based in the Denver metropolitan area focusing on improving WASH programming in multiple countries worldwide.
Daughters of Charity International Project Services (DC IPS) is a nonprofit service organization that helps sisters working in developing countries to obtain funds and resources needed for local projects. WEFTA has partnered with DC IPS to provide technical assistance and develop ways to alleviate the problems associated with unsafe water supplies and inadequate sanitation for these poverty-stricken countries in Latin America and Africa.
Ethiopia has one of the highest maternal and neonatal mortality rates in the world. Village Health Partnership (VHP), a Denver-based NGO, works with local communities in rural Ethiopia to ensure that medical facilities and healthcare providers are adequately prepared to provide appropriate medical assistance. WEFTA volunteer engineers and hydrogeologists provide technical assistance to insure adequate water supplies are available to rural health clinics and hospitals served by VHP.
Paso Pacífico is a conservation NGO working to protect the endangered dry tropical forest and coastal ecosystems of Mesoamerica’s Pacific Slope. Their innovative approach protects biodiversity where people already live. By working with local communities, landowners, and partner organizations, they work to restore and protect the habitats that form building blocks for wildlife corridors. WEFTA collaborates with Paso Pacífico on WASH projects in El Salvador.
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) is based at the University of Nevada – Reno and is a recognized world leader in basic and applied environmental research. WEFTA works with the Center for International Water and Sustainability at DRI on the development of circuit rider programs for water systems and healthcare facilities.
COVA empowers rural families in Central America with access to safe drinking water and opportunities to generate income through simple technology solutions and education. WEFTA collaborates with COVA on water projects and circuit riding in rural Honduras.
Suma Jayma is a Bolivian NGO with whom WEFTA has worked on numerous water and sanitation projects since the very founding of our organization. Suma Jayma is comprised of Aymara indigenous persons from the altiplano region. They are involved in the design and implementation of projects for potable water, basic sanitation, health, education, agriculture, and environment.
Sanitation and Water Action (SAWA) is an indigenous Tanzanian NGO. SAWA supports communities, government and the private sector to identify cost-effective, innovative solutions for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects and sustainable water resources management. WEFTA has partnered with SAWA on projects in Tanzania.
Civil Construction and Sustainable Ecological Sanitation (ConSES) is a small Bolivian organization dedicated to serving the basic sanitation needs of impoverished communities by developing and implementing innovative ecological sanitation options. WEFTA has partnered with ConSES since 2016.
Safe Water and Sustainable Hygiene Initiative (SAWASHI) is an indigenous Kenyan NGO working in the western part of the country. SAWASHI works to enhance access to safe, convenient, and reliable drinking water and sustainable sanitation through drilling of boreholes, rehabilitation of boreholes and shallow wells, spring protection and offering long-term operation and maintenance support through their robust monitoring program. WEFTA collaborates with SAWASHI on WASH improvement projects for healthcare facilities in Kenya.
In collaboration, Village Health Partnership (VHP) and WEFTA partner with Afro-Ethiopia Integrated Development to provide WASH improvement and management services to the healthcare facilities in the West Omo Zone of Ethiopia. AEID engages in supplying safe drinking water to alleviate sanitation problems and works on integrated developmental projects to reduce poverty in Ethiopia.
Solea Water walks alongside vulnerable communities to implement, operate, and maintain public utility services (water, sanitation, energy). WEFTA collaborates with Solea Water on small-scale water projects, training, and post-construction follow-up in the eastern regions of Panama.
Engineers from AQUA Engineering, based in Bountiful Utah, partner with WEFTA to help provide technical assistance with projects in Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico. Aqua Engineering also provides funding to help support some of the administrative and operational costs of the organization.
The Engineers Without Borders (EWB) – Northeast Ohio Professional Chapter utilizes engineering support for Ohio-based engineering schools to assist communities in gaining access to water and sanitation resources. WEFTA and EWB-NE Ohio collaborate on gravity flow water system projects in the indigenous reserves of Panama.
WEFTA partners with the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering at Michigan Tech University (MTU). A graduate student design class has been cultivated to focus on our efforts in water, sanitation, & hygiene (WASH) resource development for the Mpapa Health Centre inTanzania. The students have been instrumental in the progress of this WASH Improvements project.