A Celebration of Success in Tanzania

A Celebration of Success in Tanzania

It isn’t every day that one is welcomed with the kind of greetings that Peter Fant, WEFTA co-founder and long-time volunteer, received upon his arrival this September at the community of Mpapa in Tanzania. Mpapa Health Center and the surrounding communities are the...
Safe Clinic Toolkit

Safe Clinic Toolkit

Since 2016, WEFTA has partnered with Village Health Partnership (VHP) to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) resources for maternal healthcare facilities in the West Omo Zone of Ethiopia. As we continue to provide water engineering and technical expertise...
Progress of WASH in Healthcare Facilities

Progress of WASH in Healthcare Facilities

WEFTA is proud to be part of the WASH in Catholic Healthcare Initiative, as we continue working with our partners towards improving WASH resources in healthcare facilities in the countries we serve. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in healthcare...
Water is Life

Water is Life

“No one needs lofty theological concepts to justify proper WASH. Without it, health care cannot be healthy. No treatment, no surgery, no delivery can be safely performed without meeting basic WASH conditions.” –  Cardinal Michael F. Czerny Check out this...