Chiapas women and children

Chiapas Multi-Village Water System Improvements

 Requesting support from our donors

Cost for Phase 1 (Water): $37,486

Cost for Phase 2 (Latrines): $254,177

Project Location: Chiapas, Mexico

Community Background

The communities of Benito Juarez Miramar, Miguel Hidalgo, and Tierra y Libertad are indigenous communities all located in the State of Chiapas. These small rural communities sit deep within the largest jungle of Mexico, the Lacadon Jungle.

Benito Juarez Miramar is a community of approximately 75 families with a total population of 800 people. A water system was completed in 2008, and in 2011 with funding from the Shumacher Foundation, 55 latrines including showers were built.

Miguel Hidalgo has 150 homes with approximately 1,750 people. The best mode of transportation to arrive in the community is via a small, motorized boat (lancha) on the Rio Jatate. A water system for the community was completed in 2011.

Tierra y Libertad is a community with 65 homes and approximately 450 people. The community is located about one-hour walk (in the dry season) from Miguel Hidalgo. A water system for this community was completed in 2018.

As families grow with each passing year, so do the needs of the communities within the Lacandon Jungle.

Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH) Concerns

The projects completed in previous years no longer sustain the expanding families of these communities. The proposed water & sanitation projects address the growing needs of these communities with the goal of expanding water service to the growing portions of the community. The addition of latrines will begin to address the hygiene issues which cause health concerns, especially for infants, children, and elders.

Proposed Project

It is proposed that in Phase 1, improvements to the water systems for the communities of Benito Juarez Miramar, Miguel Hidalgo, and Tierra y Libertad are implemented to include increased water supply, additional storage, and waterline expansion, to serve the growing needs of these communities. Phase 2 will include the addition of household improved latrines in each community.

    Benito Juarez Miramar

    Phase 1

    • Locate a secure water source – $1,508
    • Water system expansion – $17,604

    Phase 2

    • 150 additional latrines – $102,327

      Miguel Hidalgo

      Phase 1

      • Water system expansion – $16,968

      Phase 2

      • 170 additional latrines – $115,694

       Tierra y Libertad

      Phase 1

      • Spring Box Renovation – $1,406

      Phase 2

      • 53 additional latrines – $36,156

      Sustainability Considerations

      The local water committees and community members will continue their training on proper operation and maintenance of the system to ensure sustainability. WEFTA volunteers and circuit riders will make annual visits for post construction follow-up.

      Community Engagement

      In addition to water committee training and community WASH education, the communities will contribute more than 25% of the project cost in labor and materials.

      WEFTA Volunteers

      WEFTA volunteers will donate engineering and post construction follow-up equating to 15% of the total project cost.

      If you would like additional information about this project, please contact us.

      Water Donate to this Multi-Village Project

      Chiapas girl drinking clean water
      Chiapas Family
      Chiapas Tank

      This project will provide reliable clean water for over 3,000 people! 

      High rates of poverty in Chiapas translates to low levels of access to basic resources such as adequate clean water and sanitation; approximately 25% of the population has neither.

      Our commitment is to the long-term success of the projects we’re involved with and it doesn’t stop when construction is complete.