PANAMA: Alto Mancreek Water System Renovations Project Update

PANAMA: Alto Mancreek Water System Renovations Project Update

WEFTA in-country partner and Circuit Rider, Nicolás, is currently working in the small community of Alto Mancreek, located in the Comarca Ngöbe-Buglé of Panama. Nicolás is finishing the final plastering of the storage tank, and the connection of the tank to the...
PANAMA: Bajo Algodón Water Project Update

PANAMA: Bajo Algodón Water Project Update

The Ngöbe-Buglé people are Panama’s largest indigenous group and poverty levels are above 70% in the indigenous areas of Panama known as comarcas.  Many of these communities are scattered along the forested boundaries in undeveloped tracts of land where they live...
Water system renovations are underway for Alto Mann Creek – Panama

Water system renovations are underway for Alto Mann Creek – Panama

High rates of poverty translate to low levels of access to basic resources such as adequate clean water and sanitation. Poverty levels are above 70% in the indigenous areas of Panama, known as comarcas. In collaboration with our in-country partner, Nicholas, water...


We are committed to the long-term success of the projects we’re involved with, and it doesn’t stop when construction is complete. A key role of WEFTA entails guiding communities in how to manage their water and sanitation systems to ensure they remain viable for the...
Meet Our New Executive Director

Meet Our New Executive Director

We are proud to announce, on November 19, 2020, the WEFTA Board of Directors appointed Tim Wellman as Executive Director overseeing all operations of the organization. Tim, a long-time volunteer of WEFTA, steps into his new role with over 22-years of technical...