Water is Life

Water is Life

“No one needs lofty theological concepts to justify proper WASH. Without it, health care cannot be healthy. No treatment, no surgery, no delivery can be safely performed without meeting basic WASH conditions.” –  Cardinal Michael F. Czerny Check out this...
Working Together to Make a Positive Impact

Working Together to Make a Positive Impact

WEFTA is committed to developing reliable water and sanitation systems that serve the communities we work with while empowering project beneficiaries to manage these systems sustainably for the betterment of the systems and users. We also remain dedicated to WASH...
A New Water Supply Tank is Complete for Zapote #1

A New Water Supply Tank is Complete for Zapote #1

In 2003, through the collaborative efforts of Waterlines and the Peace Corps, a water supply tank was constructed for the community of Zapote #1 in the Comarca Ngäbe Buglé, Panama.  In addition to the 5,000-gallon block-built water tank, the project included the...
WEFTA Welcomes New Board Members

WEFTA Welcomes New Board Members

WEFTA welcomes new Board member, Stuart Smith, and returning Board member, Jennifer McDowell.  Jennifer previously served on the WEFTA Board of Directors for over 5 years.  We are excited to announce Jennifer’s return to the Board after a short break. Stuart...
WASH Improvements for Mpapa Health Center: PROGRESS REPORT #2

WASH Improvements for Mpapa Health Center: PROGRESS REPORT #2

Phase 1 of the Mpapa Health Center WASH Improvement Project in Tanzania is complete! Construction began in May 2022 of a multi-phased water project for the Mpapa Health Center in Tanzania. In collaboration with our Tanzanian in-country partners, Sanitation and Water...